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The positive effect of articulating pain

I remember reading the back of a T-shirt written "Fear is an illusion." I was interested in the writing, and I made effort to find any written source of that type of thinking. Indeed, I did find quotes supporting that kind of thinking, suggesting that fear is a choice, and that it is not real. I have wondered if this is not a way of denying an existing reality. Romans 9:1-5 Paul the apostle, evangelist, giant and stalwart of the gospel, and by all rendering, a strong man, is seen here not ashamed, not hesitating, not scared to state that he is in great sorrow, and that he experiences constant, endless, and unceasing anguish in his heart. Paul is owning up, owning and articulating those deep innermost feelings of pain whose immensity is known only to him.

The same could be said of Elijah in the first book of Kings 19:1-15. Fearing and fleeing for his life, he sorrowfully wishes he were dead. In this reading too can be seen the positive effect of articulating, naming, and owning one's innermost anxiety, anguish fears and pain. From this naming flows healing. The floodgates and torrents of healing are experienced only when or after one has owned the anguish, the anxiety, the fear and the pain.

It does seem that many people find it difficult to acknowledge and own their feelings of anguish, anxiety, fear and pain. Men, especially encouraged by some culture, easily fall victim to disowning such feelings. They are encouraged to be numb in the face of such feelings, and thus not able to articulate and name them. They become, as a consequence, not able to feel and be sensitive to the anguish, anxiety, fears and pain of others. They grow insensitive.

At Siyakhana - Ecumenical Community of the Paraclete is where you will find a pneumatophoros, spiritual guide, who has the ears and the heart: ears to hear your articulating of the anguish, anxiety, fear, pain and sorrow; the heart to perceive and understand your anguish, anxiety, fear, pain and sorrow. Here you will experience guidance, healing and restoration to normal state of functionality. Pastoral, personal growth and spiritual guidance and therapy are among our chief priorities.



+27(0)61 3207 564 / +27(0)61 9584 505 / + 27(0)78 4214 211 / +27(0)81 2779 017/ +27(0) 72 0117 902 / +27(0)79 1646 211


St Patrick's Church, Sankontshe, near Hammarsdale, Ward 5, Durban Outer West Region


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